
Cactus Flower Buds

Cactus Flower Buds

One of the cacti in the courtyard has developed three flower stalk buds. This will be the second spring for us to enjoy the hot pink flowers produced by this cactus. Last year, it had about nine flowers over a period of a couple of weeks.

Of course, I will post flower pictures when they open up probably in April. Click on the image to enlarge.


Spring flowers are popping up everywhere here in Wickenburg. Last week, I purchased several bundles of daffodils and put them in a vase. This morning, they had all opened up. I took this picture of them at the breakfast table. Click on the image to enlarge.

Stargazer Lily

Stargazer Lily

Now that the floral department in our supermarket has started getting Asian lilies again, I can look for my favorite Stargazers to bring home to the flower vase. I took this close-up of one of the fragrant ‘gazers a couple of days ago. Flowers are still opening on the stems in the vase. Click on the image to enlarge.

Petunias in the Desert

Lavender Petunia

We are camping in the RV in Palm Desert tonight. We went for a walk around this beautiful RV Park and found several flowerbeds that had been planted with winter flowers. I took several photos of the flowers and this one lavender petunia stood out to me with its delicate radial purple markings along the pale petals. Click on the image to enlarge.

Ocotillo Flower Buds

Ocotillo Flower Buds

Last year, our neighbor who does construction work removed several Ocotillo shrubs from a job site where he was building a barn. He offered a couple of them to us to plant in our yard for added landscaping. We did plant them in the rock and cactus garden area west of the house. Oddly, they don’t show much in the way of signs of life except for flower buds growing on the ends of some of the canes (the branches emanating from the base of the ocotillo).

I took this image of one of the flower bud clusters still growing on one of the ocotillos. Click on the image to enlarge.

Second Spring

Cactus Flower

We do not know the name of this cactus variety. It is in a pot in the courtyard in front of the house. When the flower first started to open this morning, it looked like a rosebud. When it fully opened this afternoon, it was clearly typical of cactus flowers. Click on the image to enlarge.