Wascally Wabbit

Wascally Wabbit

Earlier in the week, Verna and I planted a small cactus in the rock and cactus garden. The cactus had been growing in a small pot on the patio and it was time to put it in the ground.

Not long after the cactus was out there, we noticed that something had been nibbling at the paddles. We suspected rabbits, squirrels and possibly jackrabbits.

I went out in the courtyard today to photograph a large sunspot. After I finished that, I wanted to take some pictures of whatever showed up. Sure enough, a large black tailed jackrabbit hopped into the area where the cactus was and took nibbles from it. I got this shot from the courtyard about fifteen yards from where the jack paused when it noticed me.

In the foreground of the photo, you may be able to see the victimized cactus, albeit a bit out of focus. Click on the image to enlarge.
