A Utah Mountain Flower
I took this photo of a flower that was at a rest stop high in the mountains of Utah on our journey today on our way to see Capitol Reef National Park. We’re camped about ten miles from the park tonight and will see it tomorrow.
Our next stop will be in the Salt Lake City area of Utah. After that, we will head across Nevada going toward my sister’s place in California.
Saguaro Cactus Flower
The flower buds that I posted last week have opened and gone. Meanwhile, this lone flower sits atop one of the saguaro arms today. It was there and then we had a little shower and it closed. Click on the image to enlarge.
More July Saguaro Cactus Flower Buds
To our delight, the big saguaro cactus out front has three new flower buds. We thought that the flower season might be over, but these three appeared. Two on the lower stalk and one on the upper stalk. A few of the withered older flowers on top of the saguaro fruit can be seen.
This image was taken from thirty feet away in the courtyard. Out of focus in the foreground is the arch over the courtyard gate and the top of one of the ocotillo canes to the right of the cactus. Click on the image to enlarge.
Backlit Barbados Blossom
With a little poetic license, the alliterative title works for this Pride of Barbados (a.k.a. Red Bird of Paradise) flower as the sun strikes it from behind. The lighting at this time of the day (late afternoon) augments the yellow tones in these beautiful flowers. All three of the Caesalpinia pulcherrima shrubs in the courtyard are doing their summer thing constantly making these delightful flowers that we love so much. Click on the image to enlarge.