
More July Saguaro Cactus Flower Buds

Cactus Flower Buds

To our delight, the big saguaro cactus out front has three new flower buds. We thought that the flower season might be over, but these three appeared. Two on the lower stalk and one on the upper stalk. A few of the withered older flowers on top of the saguaro fruit can be seen.

This image was taken from thirty feet away in the courtyard. Out of focus in the foreground is the arch over the courtyard gate and the top of one of the ocotillo canes to the right of the cactus. Click on the image to enlarge.

Backlit Barbados Blossom

Backlit Barbados Blossom

With a little poetic license, the alliterative title works for this Pride of Barbados (a.k.a. Red Bird of Paradise) flower as the sun strikes it from behind. The lighting at this time of the day (late afternoon) augments the yellow tones in these beautiful flowers. All three of the Caesalpinia pulcherrima shrubs in the courtyard are doing their summer thing constantly making these delightful flowers that we love so much. Click on the image to enlarge.

Astrophytum Cactus Flower

Astrophytum Cactus Flower

This is the latest “Star Cactus” flower to open on the Astrophytum in the courtyard. We saw one of these open when we returned from our last California excursion. This one opened yesterday (when I snapped this photo) and opened again today briefly. Click on the image to enlarge.

Queen of the Night Flower Stalk

Queen of the Night Flower Stalk

This is one of three flower stalks currently growing on the native “Queen of the Night” (Peniocereus greggii) cactus up on the hill behind our house. The location of the cactus is unfortunate for us since it is a steep climb to get to the level where it is growing. Moreover, since these bloom exclusively at night, we won’t be able to see them open because 1) steep night time climb where no lighting exists, and 2) nocturnal critters like crotalus (rattlesnake), coyote, javelina and mountain lion can be present in our rural patch of desert.

I am going to try and keep an eye on this cactus in order to possibly catch a morning after photo or two before the flowers eventually fade. Wish me luck.

Star Cactus Flower

Star Cactus Flower

I took this photo of the flower that bloomed on my Astrophytum “Star Cactus” yesterday. Although related to my Bishop’s Cap Cactus, it doesn’t have flowers as often, at least not yet. This flower measured about four inches in diameter and is, as you can see, beautiful. Click on the image to enlarge.