
Football Playoff Season

football.gifOver the next several weeks, we will be enjoying football. The last three weeks of the NFL regular season is upon us with the playoff season after that. Additionally, college football bowl season is here with three games coming up on Saturday.

Most games are on television during prime time. That is when we usually write our blog posts, so expect that we will be posting sporadically until February.

We Interrupt This Blog . . .

Our ISP advised possible service interuptions . . .

Dear Customer:

On Saturday October 17, 2009 at 10:00 am PDT we will be migrating all MySQL databases to a new server. The new server is to alleviate recent issues caused by high load on the current server as well as to upgrade to MySQL version 5.1.

The procedure we will use to migrate will ensure the least amount of downtime per database.

The window for this maintenance is 2 hours. During this time there will be periods of intermittent connectivity errors to MySQL.

Thank you,
Omnis Network, LLC

Hit Magnet

We don’t exactly know why, but this image gets more hits than almost anything we have ever posted on our blog. All we know, is that when you Google® “Red and White Amaryllis” in an image search, this picture is at the top of the search results.


Given the season, I can understand a lot of searches for a red and white amaryllis. And, it is a nice picture, if I do say so myself. Click on the image to enlarge.

Morse Code vs. Text Messaging

Retired Geezer, a blogger at Blog Idaho, posted this video from the Leno Show. I wanted to post it here as well. Being in a position to have used both Morse Code and text messaging, I already knew the outcome but still found it to be funny.