
Eighteenth Blogiversary

As of today, July 17, 2024, the blog is eighteen years old. We keep blogging about major events these days and someday we will resume making daily entries into it like we originally intended (i.e. “Our Digital Diary.”) Meanwhile, we will do the occasional post about holidays, birthdays, anniversaries (like this) and such.

We thank the Good Lord for His continued blessings upon us and trust that He will continue to do so. And may God bless all of our readers.

Seventeenth Blogiversary

Well, I think we will not make a big deal out of the fact that VERNABOB.COM has actually been in existence for over 20 years, as that’s not germane to the blogosphere because it was not a blogging platform originally; that came a few years later. However, we CAN celebrate the seventeenth anniversary of posting as a weblog today, July 17, 2023.

We’re still not up to blogging daily, but we will recognize significant events and life happenings from time to time. Here is a photo from our first month as bloggers – Verna and Bob at Grand Canyon in 2006. Click to enlarge.

Oh Look! A Gila Woodpecker!

Ephemeris Back On-Line

Old Sidebar Widget from February 11, 2021

Remember the Solar Ephemeris sidebar widget from our old blog theme? It gave daily information about the sun cycle — that is, sunrise, sunset and so forth. Well, I have it back on-line in the form of a sidebar link to a dedicated page that has the old widget code embedded in it.

I had some problems with making it work with the new versions of the server-side software that we use. There were some minor, but show-stopping changes to the platform that killed the Ephemeris code that ran on the old theme. I spent a couple of hours debugging the code today and now have the prototype running again in the “Bob’s Solar Ephemeris” page. Click on the link or select the page from the sidebar. Disclaimer: it’s still a work in progress and is subject to formatting changes.

One of these days, I might start on an interactive widget where users can put in their own geographical coordinates to see the sun’s daily times for their location.

Sweet Sixteenth Blogiversary

Our first post on VERNABOB.COM was on July 17, 2006. We put up a couple of photos of us taken in our leisure time since we were still reporting to work in those days.

Now, after nearly thirteen years of retirement, we’re still going strong in our desert abode. We are currently in a phase of summer weather called “monsoon season” where it isn’t exactly a “dry heat” in the Arizona desert. Even so, we’re mostly indoors where it’s a nice cool 80° with controlled humidity. It’s very comfortable.

As we move further into our retirement years we plan to keep blogging here from time to time.

Upgraded WordPress Today

1955 Packard Clipper

Sun Dog

And now the fun begins figuring out how to use the blogging interface – so far I can’t see how to add photos or to use my old custom buttons from the old version of WP.

FINALLY! it took an hour of poking around both on the blog and on-line help to figure out how to restore the classic editor which is now a plug-in. Still a long way to go to make it compatible with my customized way of doing things.

Fifteenth Blogiversary

Roman Numeral Fifteen over a Saguaro Flower

Our first post on VERNABOB.COM was on July 17, 2006. We put up a couple of photos of us taken in our leisure time since we were still reporting to work in those days.

Now, after nearly twelve years of retirement, we’re still going strong in our desert abode. We are currently in a phase of summer weather called “monsoon season” where it isn’t exactly a “dry heat” in the Arizona desert. Even so, we’re mostly indoors where it’s a nice cool 80° with controlled humidity. It’s very comfortable.

As we move further into our retirement years we plan to keep blogging here from time to time. There will be a change in the blog format since we’re being forced to upgrade the WordPress blogging software to the latest version which is compatible with the latest version of PHP on our host servers. We may experience some outages as that conversion takes place.

The image above is of one of our summer saguaro flowers with the Roman numeral fifteen superimposed upon it. To see the flower image full size, click here.