Something Shiny

New Hat and New Earrings

New Hat and New Earrings

We’re in Hawthorne, Nevada tonight. Verna and I went into the gift shop at the RV park where we’re camped and walked out after purchasing a new hat and a pair of turquoise earrings for her.

Has it really been over a month since we’ve posted here? Been busy with family matters and vacation from retirement. 😉

Saguaro and Sun Dogs

Saguaro and Sun Dogs

Just before we departed for an errand this afternoon, we noticed some solar rainbows positioned to the left and right side of the sun. I took my camera behind the big saguaro out front and used it as a shield to capture the image above.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Reconnoitering a Local Crafts and Gift Shop

Verna with Metal Sculptures

We took the dogs to the groomer today and afterwards we drove up US 60 the short distance to check out a tourist-y shop that had changed hands since the last time we were there several years ago. We finally had the opportunity to take a look. The sign outside the store says “Collectables and Gifts, Southwestern Decor, Garden Pottery and Nursery.” Yep, it was all of that, but terribly overpriced (for the most part) and dealing with mostly imported goods and not necessarily “southwestern made” stuff.

It was fun to look around the stuff, some of it quite nice (but too expensive for what it is) and colorful to boot. Verna posed with some metallic sculptures in the outdoor portion of the place. Click on the image to enlarge.

Nineteenth Wedding Anniversary


Today is the nineteenth anniversary of our wedding day. We were married in the City of Avalon on Catalina Island. Dozens of friends and family were in attendance.

In addition to the 19th anniversary gemstone aquamarine bracelet shown above, Verna has another turquoise and silver rope bracelet. The latter two were purchased locally while the AQ came in the mail from an on-line vendor. Next year is the Emerald anniversary.

Six-Shooter Earrings

EarringsSince my birthday is very close to Christmas, Bob usually gets me something for my “Un-Birthday” in June (six months before or after). He bought me a nice pendant and some matching earrings made by an Arizona Native American jewelry artist in silver and turquoise, spiny oyster and a couple of other inlaid stones.

Before finishing the credit card transaction with the jeweler, I spotted these VERY CUTE miniature revolver earrings in the case. Of course, I HAD to have them too, so Bob got them for me as well. I’ve been wearing them all day. 🙂 Click on the image to enlarge.

Countdown to the Great American Solar Eclipse

The countdown has been underway here for almost five years since we first made our reservations at the RV campground near the centerline of the eclipse in Wyoming. Now, however, we’re down to the last few weeks before the big event. The Javascript countdown timer above shows the remaining time to the start of the eclipse (first lunar encroachment) in Arizona Time.

The date of the eclipse is August 21, 2017. The beginning of the eclipse is dependent on the location of the observer, but in our case is 16:22:20 UTC, The seven hour difference has been adjusted in the timer. Totality follows a bit over an hour later.