
Beautiful Arizona

Beautiful Arizona

I snapped this image today just after crossing the Colorado River on our way home from the latest visit to California visiting the kids and grandson. We had a great visit out there, but, as usual, we are always glad to be back in Arizona.

The puffy clouds over the rugged Arizona mountains made for a very nice background for the Arizona Welcome sign along Interstate 10 in Ehrenberg, just after crossing over from California. As I said before, we are always glad to be back in Arizona.

We may be going to see the kids and grandson again in a few weeks. Driving the new RV, the trip to California has been more of a pleasure than a chore. We are planning a longer tip in April and again in August for some major fun events.

Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

The steep driveway and the added length of our new RV combined to raise the back end up quite high over the concrete as I drove it down to the road. Verna took this photo and remarked that we looked like the Titanic sinking from her point of view.

Well, it wasn’t quite that bad of course. The new RV made the transition to the road without incident as we took it to get the diesel fuel tank topped of in anticipation of our California excursion next weekend.

We spent a good portion of this week putting “stuff” in the motorhome. Verna got new dinnerware and I got a new portable grill for the RV and we began transferring over the goods and accessories that were removed from the old Georgetown. We should be good to go for the trip a week from today.

Our New RV Palace

Thor Palazzo RV

Palace in Italian is “Palazzo” which is the model of the new RV we expect to take delivery on next week. We’re towing our old trailer and will also transport out current RV to the dealer to trade in on the new palace.

The new motorhome is four feet longer than the one we’re trading in, and has a wheelbase of eighteen and a third feet which is only 2.3 feet longer than current. I estimate we can get the new rig in our RV drive OK, but will be exercising extreme caution when we park it here the first time.

After we bring it home and move all the household items into it, our maiden voyage should be just after Valentine’s day on an excursion to see little Jerry, the grandson. After that, possibly in April, we will take the palace to northern California to welcome our second great grandchild, baby Maci, into the world.

Desert Motorhome Camping in 3D

3D Camping

I haven’t done one of these in a while, so here it is: Desert Motorhome Camping in 3D. The Emerald Desert RV Resort doesn’t much look like the typical desert in Southern California due to the lush green grass everywhere. But it certainly does get hot there in the summer and cool, but not cold, in the winter.

I took this image pair last week when we were camped there visiting the grandson. Click on the image to enlarge to full resolution. Of course, if you don’t yet have your free pair of 3D glasses, you can see the 2D version here.

Petunias in the Desert

Lavender Petunia

We are camping in the RV in Palm Desert tonight. We went for a walk around this beautiful RV Park and found several flowerbeds that had been planted with winter flowers. I took several photos of the flowers and this one lavender petunia stood out to me with its delicate radial purple markings along the pale petals. Click on the image to enlarge.

Gonna See This Little Guy Next Week

Jerry AsleepWe’re on the road for a family reunion starting tomorrow and lasting until we get back home. We made arrangements to visit with our grandson, Jerry and his parents a week from tomorrow.

Before that, however, we will be in Stockton with our family from various places, mostly in California. They will dribble in and out at the sister’s place over the next few days.

We’re going to impose ourselves on my sister for a week, just to get caught up on everything and after that head back south for the rendezvous with little Jerry. We will have to stay one more night in a campground near Bakersfield on our way to Palm Desert.

When our visit with the kids and grandson is complete, we will be headed back home after a couple of weeks on the road. It has been, and will be, a lot of fun.
