
Christmas Trolls

Christmas Trolls

Time to break out the Christmas decorations and my favorite Christmas Troll Dolls! I have been decorating the house for years with my little colorful and festive so-ugly-they-are-cute dolls.

We also decorated the Palo Verde tree out front with red ornaments today. There will be more decorations to come as Christmas Day approaches. Click on the image to enlarge.

Wickenburg Christmas Hat Decorations

Wickenburg Christmas HatBob and I were shopping in the old downtown area yesterday. Across from one of the shops on Tegner, I noticed the town had put up some Christmas decorations on the street lights. On the top of the light fixture, there was a cowboy hat reminiscent of that worn by the town’s founder, Henry Wickenburg.

Image: Wickenburg Christmas Hat – click to enlarge

That’s one of the things we love about our town. It, and the townspeople, have character. I remember seeing the hats from last year, but they are a relatively new item in front of the courthouse where the bust of Henry (inset in the photo) has been placed.

Since we’re not going away this year, we’re looking forward to spending the Christmas Holidays here in tow, enjoying the character of our town.

Halloween Decorations

Halloween Decorations

With Halloween fast approaching, I got out my collection of decorations appropriate to the season. They are accentuated with orange and yellow lilies, also good for fall colors. Click on the image to enlarge.

The Town’s Namesake

Bust of Henry Wickenburg

We happened to be over in the downtown area today, to do a little shopping. As we passed the Town Center, I snapped this photo of the bust of gold miner Henry Wickenburg for whom the town was named. This bust is in front of Town Hall.

From Wikipedia:

In 1862 a gold strike on the Colorado River near present-day Yuma brought American prospectors, who searched for minerals throughout central Arizona. Many of the geographic landmarks now bear the names of these pioneers, including the Weaver Mountains, named after mountain man Pauline Weaver, and Peeples Valley, named after a settler.

An Austrian named Henry Wickenburg was one of the first prospectors. His efforts were rewarded with the discovery of the Vulture Mine, from which more than $30 million worth of gold has been dug.

Click on the image to enlarge.