Something Shiny

Teapot Water Tower

Teapot Water Tower

Today, somewhere along California State Route 99 between Bakersfield and Fresno, we saw a Scandinavian (tourist trap) village along the roadside. In the background was this water tower made up to look like a teapot. Very zany. Click on the image to enlarge.

The New Ride

The New Ride

Verna took this photo of our two little dogs today, while in transit to California. This was their first LONG ride in the new truck. We had to head out to the old stomping grounds to take care of business and visit with family.

Despite looking disoriented and anxious, they rode pretty good today. Bay Bay is always uncomfortable when we go on the road; we don’t know why, but we assume he had a bad experience with going for a ride. Eventually, he calms down and gets relaxed. Today, he remained a little more anxious than usual, probably because it is a new truck. He is keenly aware of any changes to his environment. Both of the dogs are very smart and surprise us with their insight into matters where we might not expect.

A Classic 1947 Lincoln Continental V12 in 3D

A Classic 1947 Lincoln Continental V12 in 3D

Verna and I were at our favorite Mexican restaurant today enjoying a late lunch. As we sat by the window in the restaurant, several classic old cars came up the street. When we finished lunch, we were delighted to see several of those cars parked in the lot outside. I took an image pair of the classic Lincoln V-12 and merged them into the anaglyph image seen above.

You will need your free pair of 3D glasses to view the image (click image to enlarge). As usual, I have posted the 2D version here.

Valentine’s Day Gift

ruby earrings

Bob gave me these pretty heart-shaped ruby earrings for Valentine’s Day. They nicely compliment the larger heart-shaped ruby pendant he gave me for our anniversary last September. Click on the image to enlarge.

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

We had a cloud cover most of the day, with a forecast of a ten percent chance of rain. Well, the rain didn’t come but the chance for a beautiful sunset is one hundred percent. Click on the image to enlarge.

Light Show in the Sky

Light Show

As I was taking out the trash bin this afternoon, I noticed some very bright solar rainbows in the western sky. I snapped a photo of the clouds with the sun behind the saguaro cactus out front. On the left side of the sun was a second sundog, so I photographed that one framed by the neighbor’s mesquite tree. Click on the image to enlarge.