
D-Day Eightieth Anniversary

From The Patriot Post:

Today marks the anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of France codenamed Operation Overlord, which commenced in the early hours of June 6, 1944. It was the beginning of the end for Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Workers (NAZI) Party and its reign of terror across Europe — an epic battle in defense of American Liberty and, by extension, that of all mankind.

On that day, and many bloody days that followed on the European and Pacific fronts, American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines purchased Liberty for the next generation at a very heavy human price. It is our sacred responsibility now to extend that inheritance to the next generation.

Join us as we pray for the American Veterans of that war and the preservation of the Republic for which they fought.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Kate!

Happy Heavenly Birthday to our Mom, Kate, who would have been 103 years old today. Inset is her wedding picture from 1938 and Morro Rock is where her ashes were scattered in accordance with her wishes.

Click on the image to enlarge.

A Very Nostalgic Photo

Brothers at a Wedding

During the past week, my niece, Amanda, shared the photo above on one of the social media platforms we frequent. She said “Look what I came across!” It is a photo of me (left) and my younger (but taller) brother, James, on his wedding day. I was Jim’s best man in the ceremony when he married Darla, who also happened to be one of my classmates in High School.

I have never seen this photo despite having (obviously) been there when it was taken in July of 1970. Someone may have posed us in the tie-fixing photo but the truth is that I just don’t remember. The wedding took place nearly 53 years ago. But, there we are, all young and dapper-looking, preparing for the wedding. I was about to turn 27 and Jim was 23 years old.

Niece Amanda also attached one more photo in her social media post of the wedding couple and their folks:

Jim and Darla and their Parents

These photos will be added to my collection of nostalgic items archived on the genealogy website that I use.

Retirement Throwback

This coming Saturday, 10/01/2022, will be the thirteenth anniversary of my retirement from full-time employment. In the days following that event, Verna and I took some weekday trips to some of our local attractions. Verna took this photo of a Seagull in the Harbor of Los Angeles (San Pedro).

We visited the garden department of a Lowe’s and saw this hummingbird browsing the flowers on display there.

Finally, we visited the South Coast Botanic Garden on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. This is us relaxing on a park bench for a few minutes after walking through the acres and acres of garden displays.

All the above activity took place the first week of October, 2009. It was such a pleasure to visit these places on weekdays when they were less crowded than on the weekends. Click on any image to enlarge.

Our 24th Wedding Anniversary

Cutting the Wedding Cake

Today we’re celebrating the twenty-fourth anniversary of our wedding. This is a photo taken at our wedding reception which was held in Avalon, on Catalina Island, at the Blue Parrot Restaurant and Bar adjacent to the Hotel Metropole on Crescent Avenue, the main drag along the shore of Avalon Harbor. The Blue Parrot is now gone, having been converted to additional hotel spaces for the Metropole. We revisited the island for several years around the time of our anniversaries and finally, as we mentioned last year, we stopped going back.

This year was the year of Tanzanite and Verna got several small, but pretty, jewelry items made from it. Next year, we will be having our quadranscentennial anniversary, and we look ahead to celebrating the Silver Jubilee.

Mom and Dad’s 83rd Wedding Anniversary


These two were married on December 17th of 1938 and were together for most of their years until Dad passed in June of 1982. Dad’s absence, like many young men in the early 1940’s, was due to being called away to serve in World War II. They were together for over 43 years and now are in God’s care together again.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.