Something Shiny

A New Flagpole

Eagle atop the StaffAs part of the construction and upgrades around the house, we asked for a flagpole. The flagpole was one of several items we had on our ‘wish list.’

Yesterday, the concrete crew poured a three-foot pad around a sleeve as a base for the staff. Today, the flagpole crew brought the new staff, complete with an eagle at the top.

I brought out the two flags we planned to fly and the guys installed the metallic hooks on the pulley rope. They had just recently painted the pole silver and since the paint was still drying, we had to postpone flying the flags for a couple of days.

So, on Friday or thereabouts, we will hoist Old Glory and the Arizona State Banner. Verna also wants to get some other flags to fly, like the Arizona Diamondbacks and Arizona Cardinals team flags which she will hoist for special events as they arise.

Sunspot 2297

Sunspot 2297

I read that a large sunspot was transiting the solar globe, so I went out to the courtyard and shot a few images of the sun with the Canon SL1 and my cheapie Rainbow Symphony Solar Filter. While I can’t match the resolution of fancier equipment or space-borne solar observation platforms, I did manage to resolve the spot well enough to perceive the shadowy smaller parts of the group.

The camera settings were as follows: F8.0, focal length 300mm, 1/2500 sec., ISO 6400, Manual Program. Photo taken 2015-03-10 09:27:42 MST. The image has been derotated to an angle where ecliptic north is approximately up. Click on the image to enlarge.

Mason Jar Chandelier

Mason Jar Chandelier

On Friday, we decided to go out for lunch at a local “picturesque” restaurant, the Gold Nugget. Their decor was unusual in that both the lobby chandelier and the sconces (not pictured) were constructed of crystals and Mason Jars. The chandelier was centered around an old wagon wheel. It made for an interesting conversation piece and it was actually quite pretty to see. Click on the image to enlarge.

Moon and Stearman

Moon and Stearman

Verna and I were out walking the dogs a couple of days ago when I heard the distinctive sound of a radial engine-powered airplane overhead. I did not have my fancy DSLR camera with me at the time, or I’m certain I would have taken a better photo, but this one is not bad considering I used my pocket-sized Canon A1400 point-and-shoot camera. By coincidence, the plane passed very nearly in front of the waning crescent moon. Click on the image to enlarge.

Solar Pix


Sunspot 2259 is resolved in this image I took of the solar disk today. I used the new Canon SL1 camera with a modified Rainbow Symphony Solar Filter to get this shot. I used settings of 1/1250 second exposure, F8 aperture and ISO 3200 film speed. I use the fast shutter speed and fast film settings to minimize the jitter or motion that may result from shooting with a hand held camera without a tripod.

No longer needing the old SX40 camera, I sent it to our granddaughter so she could get some pix of our great grandson as he grows up. Thus, I lost the platform for taking solar pix and had to learn the settings for the new camera.

The sunspot is not particularly large, nor is it as awesome as a solar eclipse, but it shows that I can resolve surface features with the new camera. We look forward to seeing the great solar eclipse of August 2017 in Wyoming with the new rig. Click on the image to enlarge.



We’re breaking in the new electric smoker this afternoon. Getting it seasoned with mesquite chips/smoke. We have yet to smoke our first entree on this one. Our old charcoal-powered smoker did pretty good, so this one could do as well plus being easier to use and clean. I have some pork and fish in the freezer that will be the first experiments.