A Welcome Stowaway

stow-away.jpgIn late spring, I bought some Asian lilies to put in the front porch planters for some spring color. Eventually, the lilies played out and I bought some Gerbera Daisies for the summer decorative flowers in the planters. I didn’t get around to putting them in the planters since a tomato plant had started to sprout in the soil where I cut back the lilies. The plant looked healthy, so I left it on the front porch to grow into a mature plant.

I guess it’s quite common for plants from a nursery to carry seeds from tomatoes and other things. This isn’t the first time for this to happen to us.

This is the plant today – sporting a healthy crop of tomatoes. When the tomatoes started to appear, I got a trellis from the back yard to support the weight of the tomatoes while they get ripe. Now, I’m looking forward to having garden-fresh tomatoes grown on the front porch. Click on the image to enlarge
