About This Weblog

Welcome to the new and improved vernabob.com!

We’re now completely converted from the old stuff and functioning as an online diary/weblog (“blog”). We decided to convert our old website to the blog format of the WordPress Publishing Platform. We recently (as of August 2022) switched over to the “Blogstream” WordPress Theme.

As we continue to add new posts here, we also plan to add new gadgets and features to this format. Most all of the features from the old website that were in the old left sidebar may soon be resurrected for the new theme. Check out some of the Potpourri items or our “stuff.”

We’re going to try and have a new item or photo every once in a while, so check back often and get involved in the discussion. We have comments enabled again after a moratorium where we had trouble with spam. That problem seems to be mostly resolved with Askimet.


This website is non-commercial, privately funded and is intended for our mutual enjoyment. Please keep all comments to our posts civil and to the point. Don’t paste excerpts from other websites if a link to them will do. Thank you.

Enjoy your visit and come back soon!

Verna and Bob