The Cactus Garden in 3D

succulents.pngLast weekend when we went to the Botanic Garden for the model railroad exhibition, we took a walk through some of our favorite sections. We’re virtually certain to find our way to the cactus and succulents garden, since it’s one of our favorite parts of the garden.

When in the garden, when I’m not taking a panoramic image, I just might be getting an image pair to merge into a 3D image. I stood to the east of the cactus garden and got this shot looking back. On the left, you can see a golden torch cactus. An agave is on the right. In the center, a yucca stalk extends upward. In the background you can see many beautiful and interesting succulents. Click on the image to enlarge.

As usual, you can view a 2D version here.
