March 2007

Red Red Ranunculus

ranunculus-red.jpgThere’s a bunch of these in the back patio this week. They are very bright red. The Easy to grow Bulbs website says this about these flowers:

Red roses are great, but waiting until summer for them isn’t. In spring, lovers of this vibrant color turn to snappy red ranunculus. Tucked between your early perennials they’ll energize borders and provide long-lived flowers for jazzy bouquets. No thorns, no black spot, no mildew. No kidding.

Self-Portrait and Injury Update

I have a little decorative sculpture of a fish that sits on our fake waterfall. The sculpture is studded with nickel, dime and quarter-sized glass beads of several colors. I took this closeup of the sculpture and managed to get a number of self-portraits of myself.

The rip in my forearm is much better today. The stitches are in and the swelling is down. I think it’s healing OK. It certainly didn’t interfere with actuating the fore-end on our Remington 870 Shotgun when we went to the range today.


St. Patrick’s Day Mishap

hospital-leprechaun.jpgVerna had a little accident today. We were working in the garden and she got a little too close to the thorns on a Mexican Palm. It was a pretty nasty tear on her forearm and deep too. No band-aid and Neosporin for this one. I took her to the urgent care center where they stitched it up (three sutures did it). While we were waiting to be admitted, this cute little hospital Leprechaun was spreading good cheer in the waiting area at the hospital.

Little Daisies

little-dasiesEvery Spring I like to populate the garden with colorful flowers. We have several varieties of daisies growing out there. These are little delicate white ones that have been out there for a couple of weeks. We’re going to Lowe’s this weekend to get more since we’re making room for them by clearing out the flowerbeds of old stuff. Click on the image for full-sized picture.

Catalina Island from Ryan Park

Here’s another panoramic view of Catalina Island taken this time from Ryan Park in Rancho Palos Verdes. The golf course and park is located on the west side of Hawthorne Boulevard, just beyond the crest of the hill. Click the image for the full-sized panorama.

Ryan Park Panorama

Cymbidium Orchids

pink-orchids.jpgCymbidiums became popular in Europe during the Victorian era. One feature that makes the plant so popular is the fact that it can survive during cold temperatures (as low as 7Ëš C or 45Ëš F). Orchid hobbyists in temperate climates appreciate the fact that they can bloom in winter, when few other orchids are blooming.

Only a few Cymbidium species are commonly grown in nurseries, due to the popularity of hybrids. Most are to be found in botanical gardens or in their ever shrinking natural habitat.

These were in the hot house orchid section at Lowe’s. Click on the image to enlarge.