June 2010

Desert Verdin and Her Nest

verdin.jpgWe were at our new home site in Arizona today doing some business. We went to the lot we recently purchased just to have a look around and make some decisions about how we want to direct our contractor to proceed with the new home construction. Just before we departed, I noticed a birds nest in the palo verde tree on the roadway in front of the lot. As I prepared to photograph the nest, a tiny verdin emerged and lit on a branch in the tree. At first, I thought it was a hummingbird being so small. After it perched in the tree, I took this photo. Click on the image to get a closer look. Click here to see its nest.

Red Bird of Paradise

We’re on the road again and staying near Blythe, CA on the Arizona side. I was delighted to see one of my favorite “Red Bird of Paradise” a.k.a. “Pride of Barbados” shrubs growing along the frontage road. The shrub doesn’t do well in cooler climates like the California coast, so I always look for them when we’re in warmer areas. I went out a while ago and got this close-up shot. Click on the image to enlarge.


More about these from Desert Tropicals:

The Red Bird of Paradise is a relatively frost sensitive Caesalpinia, and it is generally better to trim it close to ground in winter. This keeps it more compact without seeming to delay it in spring. The canes tend to freeze in all but the warmest areas, and even if they don’t, the new growth in April is somewhat ungainly. For this reason many gardeners cut the bush to the ground at the end of November, and it will grow back green and compact in mid spring.

Gymno – Something

Here – you try to pronounce the name of this little cactus:


By any name you might call it, though, it has pretty little flowers – don’t you think? Click the image below to enlarge.


Four Daisies in the FLower Shop

I took several photos of the beautiful flowers in the garden shop when we were there today. These four daisies against a background of colorful flowers in the shop looked very pretty to us. Click on the image to see full-sized.


Walking Vulture Mine Trail

The hoomins took me to an abandoned desert gold mine. I got to go with them on an above-ground walking tour. I liked it – there were lizards to chase and birds too. We went up and down hills and stairs and walked through some of the old buildings. There was a lot of junk too. It was fun but we walked a long way and I got tired. When I got back in the SUV, I got a drink and took a nap. Click the picture to see us big.
