Moving Boulders

boulder.jpgBob and I teamed up to move dozens rocks and a couple of huge boulders yesterday and today to the rock garden. We wanted to place deadwood and rocks to enhance the cactus and rock garden which is adjacent to the RV road leading behind the patio.

Image: deadwood, painted rock and boulder. Click on the image to enlarge.

The boulder seen in the center of the image must have weighed close to 200 pounds. We couldn’t lift it into the wheelbarrow, so we had to roll it to the location shown by the wash. It was slow going, but we got it there. The rock behind the boulder and to the right came from the hillside at the edge of the property and looked interesting since the orange moss almost looked like someone had painted a daisy on it.

We are slowly putting the final touches to our rock and cactus garden after the wonderful job the landscaping crew did to deliver and place the ground coverings. More to come later, of course.
