Sagging Saguaro

We got the bad news this morning that our giant saguaro cactus, the “big guy,” is doomed. Our landscape contractor did an analysis after the crew dug up some of the soil around the root base.

sag.jpgThe verdict is that the cactus has root rot, a symptom of over watering this type of cactus. The experts assume that the previous owner must have done too much irrigation and the root rot originated there, since we have NEVER watered the big guy in his current home. Regardless, he is going to be hauled away to cactus graveyard.

Eventually, the big guy will be replaced with another similar saguaro cactus as soon as the arrangements can be made. We’re sorry to see the big guy go, but we know that another will fill the empty hole when the time comes.

Image, saguaro root rot – courtesy of Verna. Click to enlarge.
