About six weeks have passed since we decided to build a portable target stand. We always seem to be busy doing something else, but yesterday, Verna suggested we make it a project for sooner rather than later.
Today we went to one of the local lumber and hardware outlets and spent a little over $20 getting the parts; the lumberyard man cut all the pieces to the specified lengths. We brought the parts home and assembled them. I had to whittle the furring strips a little to allow them to fit into the ABS since the inner diameter of the pipe is 1½ and the wood did not fit without taking a little off of the bottom six inches of the strips.
The image is shown with a target installed, but we did not have the 24 by 36 inch cardboard section. We will look behind the grocery store tomorrow to see if we can swipe a carton or something from which to make the cardboard backing.
We hope that we can take the stand to the range on Friday to try it out. We also want to try out our new Wyndham Weaponry AR 15 at the same time.
Click on the image to enlarge. We will report on our outing to the range on Friday.