April 2013

Flowers at the Garden Shop

Flowers at the Garden Shop

I took this photo outside our local discount department store today. I like the colors of the lilies and other flowers visible here. Very pretty! Click on the image to enlarge.

Early Spring Cactus Flower Slideshow

We have been having a wonderful array of spring cactus flowers here in town. I took many of the images in the slideshow here in our yard, although some in other yards here in town. The cactus types are hedgehog, Argentine Giant, prickly pear, beavertail and cholla. Click on the slideshow above to advance through the ten-image array.

Beavertail Cactus Flowers

Beavertail Cactus Flowers

We had no idea that when Bob transplanted several beavertail cacti from the hill behind the house to several places along the RV drive that they would do so well. Now that spring is here, they are rewarding the effort with many beautiful pink flowers. Click on the image to enlarge.