Waiting for Breakfast

Waiting for Breakfast

No matter what I did to try and get the dogs to look at the camera, they remained riveted on the kitchen where the Mama was fixing their breakfast. They remained focused like this until hearing the carton of cottage cheese open up which means they get to lick the spoon after the Mama loads some in their dishes. Then, in a blink of an eye, they dash for the kitchen.

They both are very smart and perceptive. Bay Bay used to be afraid of the meat grinder and would hide in his “man cave” behind the sofa. Now, when he hears the grinder stop, he comes out expecting to get some of the raw meat and bread left in the screw. He and Cabela each get a little of the “bread and beef tartare.”

Cabela figured out that I keep a jar of peanuts at my desk and can hear when I open the lid so she comes expecting a nut. She usually gets one and in order to be fair so does Bay Bay.
