I set the small animal trap to try and catch the squirrel that gets in Verna’s garden and raids the bird feeders, but this little ‘possum wandered in much to it’s dismay. Not to worry, though, he got released back into the “urban wild” shortly afterwards.
Opossums are probably more beneficial than they are destructive in urban areas. Consider this description from the National Opossum Society:
Opossums help to maintain a clean and healthy environment. They eat all types of insects, including cockroaches, crickets, beetles, etcetera. They catch and eat rats, roof rats, mice, and they consume dead animals of all types (carrion). They like over-ripe fruit, berries, and grapes. And they think snails and slugs are a delicacy! Nature’s little Sanitation Engineers!!
Typically they go about their quiet task late at night, and you usually won’t know they were around…unless your dog (being territorial) starts barking, or you happen to take a midnight stroll when one is munching insects or snails in your yard.