
Bob’s Hawaiian Shirts – Santa Catalina Island

The next in my series of Hawaiian shirts is this colorful print commemorating Catalina Island. We were married in Avalon and this is one of Bob’s favorites. There are other in Reyn Spooner’s Catalina collection and we plan to get one there when we make our annual pilgrimage to the island for our anniversary this year.


Bob’s Hawaiian Shirts – Palms Pattern

This is the next in a series of Hawaiian shirts in Bob’s collection. This one, Hawaiian Palms, is reminiscent of the tropical and volcanic nature of the Islands.

The colors aren’t as bright, but the pattern and the use of colors makes this a very attractive shirt.


Bob’s Hawaiian Shirts

Lots of men and women collect Hawaiian-style shirts with their interesting and varied patterns and brilliant colors. Bob has a few nice shirts, so I decided that I would include some of the patterns and colors here.

The first in the series is was one of Bob’s bright shirts – it’s a bit small for him so I guess I’ll have it for myself . . .

woody and surfboard

Click for a close-up.