
Good Pistol Behavior

I hope the trend continues with my Para Warthog .45 ACP pistol – that is, absolutely 100 percent of the rounds I fired last weekend with this gun fed and ejected perfectly. I’m still trying to make the bullets group in the center of the target as perfectly.

Anyhow, I photographed my gun on a pair of Bob’s camouflage shorts while folding laundry Monday. It sure looks pretty.


The Baby Boomer is BACK!

boomerMy beautiful Para Warthog is back from the factory! She’s been gone for a couple of months, but we just got her back today. Our gunsmith had to send her back for repairs after the recoil spring assembly broke.

It turns out that the recoil spring assembly was manufactured incorrectly; the larger of the two springs was installed BACKWARDS! I’m surprised that I was able to get over a thousand rounds through her before it gave up.

Anyhow, I’m going to be able to make some more boom this weekend. This is a still frame from a video Bob took at the range a while back.

Red, White and Blue

We went to the indoor shooting range today and did some target practice. Afterwards, I cleaned the revolver up and took a picture of the nice, clean cylinder. The reflections are from a fold-up canvas chair with a pattern made to look like a U.S. Flag.


Shotgun Sculptures

This picture of our two shotgun stocks show the heel of the gun face up. One is a 20 gauge natural wood stock, and the other is a 12 gauge synthetic stock. Both stocks are sculpted with the curves and checkering that are traditional for sporting arms like these. Personally, I like the artistic aspects of our guns as well as the sport shooting.


Second Amendment Art


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Photo credit to Verna.

Busy Easter Sunday

We did lots of things this weekend. We still found time to go to target practice though. This is a still frame from a video I took while Verna was shooting the .357 magnum revolver. There were some big muzzle plumes, including this rather spectacular one.
