
Table Setting

Homemade pizza, spinach salad, beer and fine silverware make for a great weekend meal.


The topping for the pizza is pancetta (Italian bacon), grilled zucchini, marinated artichoke hearts, acorn squash and chopped black olives. All topped with Havarti and Mozzarella cheese.

The silverware is a fork and a .357 magnum.


glockflash.jpgOr maybe flashboom.

Verna’s Para Warthog .45 caliber pistol is going back to the depot for repairs and alignment. The main recoil spring mechanism broke and she had to send it in for replacement. While it’s there, we’re asking them to restore it to factory new condition.

Meanwhile, she fires my Glock 30 when we’re shooting .45 caliber ammo. You can see from the image that in addition to the loud report the gun makes, there is the added bonus of a nice, bright muzzle flash.

You can click on the photo for a larger view.

Life Cycle of a Paper Shotgun Target

Every trip we make to the gun show (about every other month here), we pick up several tablets of 2×3 paper targets. We generally use the paper targets when we shoot our shotguns at the range. Usually, we go through about four or five targets in a given session. We bring twenty-five 20 gauge and twenty-five 12 gauge target load rounds. Verna has a 20 gauge and I have a 12 gauge Remington 870 shotgun.

In the video at the right, Verna cranks out five 20 gauge rounds and shreds up the target pretty good. The still panels following the video are a fresh target, after 5 rounds and after 10 rounds – the last one is ready to haul in and start the cycle over again.

Note: You must enable JavaScript and Flash® to see the video.

Point and Click

Please don’t associate this terminology with computers – unless the *&^$@ computer dies and just might make a better target than a tool.

point and click