
Lawyer’s Tongue Pollinator

Lawyer’s Tongue Pollinator

I took some photos of a lot of open flowers on and around our lot on Friday. This photo is of a couple of freshly opened flowers on the lawyer’s tongue (sometimes called cow’s tongue) prickly pear cactus at the west edge of the yard. One entrepreneurial bee, seen on the flower on the right, worked the pollen express to the best of its ability as I snapped away with my camera.

Next week, most of these flowers will have come and gone, leaving the pears behind to likely be pecked at by our bird population. Spring is a wonderful time here in the Sonoran Desert. Click on the image to enlarge.

Saguaro Flower Buds

Saguaro Flower Buds

While we were out doing yard work today, I noticed that our big saguaro cactus has several flower buds popping up on three of the cactus arms. That means before long, we will be having saguaro flowers on the big guy.

On our recent outing in the RV, we saw a lot of saguaro flowers in the wild and some on domesticated cacti like ours. We should get them all spring and summer, we’re hoping. Stay tuned and I will get flower pix of ours as soon as I can.

Desert Hibiscus

Desert Hibiscus

When we arrived in the RV park last Friday, we needed to walk over to one of the administration buildings to purchase some ice for the cooler. Right outside of the door, a hibiscus bush had several open flowers. I couldn’t resist capturing this image of that beautiful orange flower. Click on the image to enlarge.

Prickly Pear Cactus Flower

Prickly Pear Cactus Flower

Most of the Prickly Pear cacti in the neighborhood are in bloom. This cactus is along the road where we take our after dinner walk with the dogs. It had several flowers open already this season and this is one of two that were open this afternoon. Click on the image to enlarge.

Hot Pink Cactus Flowers


More Pink     Hot Pink

The cactus buds that I posted about last week are fully open today and they are a very hot pink, indeed. The photos at the top and above left were taken just after noon while the last panel was taken this evening as the flowers have begun to close. We know that cactus flowers don’t last long, so we enjoy them while they’re here. Click on any the images to enlarge to full size.

A Living Ocotillo Cane Fence

A Living Ocotillo Fence

Verna and I went down to the touristy part of town to look in one of her favorite shops this afternoon while we were waiting for the groomer to finish with the dogs. We have known for some time that this fence had been planted for the individual ocotillo canes to take root and eventually do what is seen in the photo above. Click on the image to enlarge.

We thought about doing something like this in our rock and cactus garden with a couple of ocotillos that our neighbor gave us after clearing a lot for one of his construction jobs, but those are also in bloom where we stuck them in the back. I guess we’ll let them stay where they are for the time being.