
Lawyer’s Tongue Cactus Flower

Lawyer’s Tongue Cactus Flower

Better get used to seeing beautiful cactus flowers, because it is the season for it. This is a flower that opened today o the Lawyer’s Tongue Cactus on the west side of our yard along the fence. We planted this cactus from a fallen pad we found in a park in town, and it has done extremely well since it was in a pot in the patio to (now) on the west side in the ground.

I counted over fifty flower buds on this cactus – there were only nine last year – and I expect to have most of them open and to get them imaged in the camera. Click on the image to enlarge.

Cactus Buds

Cactus Buds

We purchased this (new to us) cactus at a local nursery late last month. Today, it is showing five flower buds that should open with bright red flowers any day now. When they open, I will post pictures.

There are also several not-as-mature fuzzy flower buds on the crown of the cactus that promise to keep this guy interesting for some time to come. Likewise, more pictures when available. Click on the image to enlarge.

Bishop’s Cap Flowers

Bishop’s Cap Flowers

Here we are with another “too many to count” flower eruption on my Bishop’s Cap Cactus. Bob and I bought this cactus when it was in a three-inch pot at a cactus nursery in Chandler, AZ, just before we got married. That would be about eighteen years ago, by my reckoning.

This cactus has always done well since we first put it in the patio in our California home. It is now here in the Arizona Courtyard and must (it seems) produce a hundred flowers each year, way more than it ever did on California.

I did not bother to count the number of this opening, but I can assure you that it is one of the larger flower counts in recent history of the Bishop’s blooms. Click on the image to enlarge.

New Courtyard Shrubs

Bottle Brush Shrub

Last week, we went shopping for some shrubbery to replace the Cleveland Sage Brush shrubs in our courtyard which were not doing too well after the first year or two. We selected these little (for now) bottle brush shrubs which will (hopefully) display more of these little red flowers as they mature.

On Monday, Verna and I removed the old sage shrubs (mostly dead) and replaced them with these three, which were in five gallon containers from the nursery where we bought them. I managed to locate the irrigation feeders and placed them where they would drizzle the little shrubs when the irrigation timer setting turns the water on.

These shrubs supposedly will grow to three feet in diameter and two to three feet in height. I will post pictures of them again next year when they mature. Click on the image to enlarge.

Yellow Flower

Yellow Flower

We went to the dessert nursery today to get some shrubs for the courtyard. Our sage bushes have been failing, so we decided to replace them with something else. We bought some little shrubs similar to bottle brush that have red flowers.

While I was at the nursery, I took some photos of their flowers. This yellow Ranunculus (I think) was one of the prettier non-cactus flowers that I saw today. Click on the image to enlarge.