Home & Garden

Orange and Yellow Prickly Pear Flowers

Orange and Yellow Prickly Pear Flowers

I found these two flowers growing side by side on a prickly pear cactus down at the end of the road. They appear to be growing on the same paddle which makes me believe that the cactus makes two different colored flowers. Maybe I’ll get a paddle and transplant it to our garden after spring is over. Click on the image to enlarge.

Saguaro Flowers

Saguaro Flowers

Saguaros all over the desert have flowers opening on them. I took this image at the shopping center today. We will be getting saguaro flowers on our cactus at home soon (see inset).

There just happened to be a finch perching on the cactus behind the open flower when I took this picture. Click on the image to enlarge.