Home & Garden

More Cleanup

More Cleanup

I cleaned up one of the mesquite trees up on the hill above the RV drive last week. During the trimming, I noticed some deadwood still attached to the tree. I would have removed it, except the shears I was using weren’t big enough to get around the largest part of the deadwood.

Yesterday, I went into the hardware store and bought a hand saw. Today, I was on the hill hacking through the deadwood. Verna stuck her head out the back patio to catch this image of me between hackings. Click on the image to enlarge.

Courtyard Cleanup

Courtyard Cleanup

Verna and I trimmed and cleaned up some of the shrubs and other stuff in the courtyard today. I set my little Canon A710IS on the courtyard wall and took this picture of myself and the courtyard. The red birds are dormant for the winter but the Cleveland sage bushes needed pruning. So did the flowering plum tree, not visible in the photo. Click on the image to enlarge.

Giant Asian Lilies

Giant Asian Lilies

The lilies we bought last week have opened up and to my delight, they are HUGE. The span across the petal tips is about nine inches. Like lilies on steroids, or something. I wish we could transmit the wonderful fragrance of these pink beauties over the internet. Click on the image to enlarge.