Home & Garden

Courtyard Cleanup

Courtyard Cleanup

Verna and I trimmed and cleaned up some of the shrubs and other stuff in the courtyard today. I set my little Canon A710IS on the courtyard wall and took this picture of myself and the courtyard. The red birds are dormant for the winter but the Cleveland sage bushes needed pruning. So did the flowering plum tree, not visible in the photo. Click on the image to enlarge.

Giant Asian Lilies

Giant Asian Lilies

The lilies we bought last week have opened up and to my delight, they are HUGE. The span across the petal tips is about nine inches. Like lilies on steroids, or something. I wish we could transmit the wonderful fragrance of these pink beauties over the internet. Click on the image to enlarge.

Two Years Ago – Courtyard Progress

About two years ago, we contracted Kevin to build our courtyard. There happened to be a very nice sunset in progress then after the delivery of materials had arrived. We were still sleeping on a mattress and box spring on the floor of the office in those days.

Here’s the original post:

blocksA truck with a forklift delivered five palettes of concrete blocks and two palettes of mortar to the house today. We expect that the masons will show up any time this week to continue working on the courtyard.

We are looking forward to finishing the courtyard and getting gates installed so we can let the dogs out in the daytime.

Image: Sunset over the concrete blocks and mortar. Click image to enlarge.

A crew is scheduled to show up tomorrow to permanently install the internet/TV cable. When we had the cable installed a couple of weeks ago, the technician had to dig a temporary ditch to bury the cable feed to the terminal across the road. Lately, the cable has been exposed in a few places which made us worry that it might be damaged.

Red Amaryllis

Red Amaryllis

Two of the four amaryllis buds opened today. These are very bright red in color. After these have opened and are gone, there is another flower stalk on this plant with more red flowers to come! Click on the image to enlarge.