April 2007

Psychedelic School Bus

psych-bus5.jpgDuring my lunchtime walk, I spotted this interesting-looking school bus parked behind the Manhattan Village Mall. One side was painted with an undersea scene and the other side had parrots in trees. I did not see or smell any hippies, however. Click on the thumbnail for the big picture.

Red-Orange Variegated Rose

orange-roseI have been saving this rose for a couple of weeks now. I took this photo of it in Lowe’s Garden while we were there getting some stuff for the yard and patio.

We’re getting ready to plant the squash and melons. The tomatoes and green beans are planted already.

Click on the thumbnail picture for a close-up of this pretty rose.

Morse Code vs. Text Messaging

Retired Geezer, a blogger at Blog Idaho, posted this video from the Leno Show. I wanted to post it here as well. Being in a position to have used both Morse Code and text messaging, I already knew the outcome but still found it to be funny.

The Good Assurance of Red Roses

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, writing in the voice of his “greatest detective” character, Sherlock Holmes, presented a tribute to this magnificent natural beauty (read below the photo).

red roses

During a brief lull in a criminal investigation (“The Adventure of the Naval Treaty”), Sherlock Holmes took a moment to smell a red rose. The flower, he remarked to his friend Dr, Watson, clearly was evidence of divine beneficence. “Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers,” proclaimed the world’s greatest detective. “All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, are really necessary for our existence in the first instance. But this rose is an extra. Its smell and colour are an embellishment of life, not a condition of it. It is only goodness which gives extras, and so I say again we have much to hope from the flowers.”

Verna currently has “Freedom Roses” on our table. This picture is from a previous batch, but I assure you they are just as nice.

Asian Lily

asian-lily.jpgThis is an Asian Lily spotted today in the garden shop at Lowe’s. We were there for some potting soil and to get some rat control products (the little vermin have been spotted in the back yard from time to time). While we were there we also got some marigolds, a zucchini starter sprout and a couple of other garden supplies.

I love the lighting on this lily. Click on the picture for a larger view.

The Aluminum Overcast

Earlier today we were out doing errands and stopped at Zamperini Field in Torrance to see the EAA’s “Aluminum Overcast,” a restored WW2 B-17 (like the Memphis Belle). What a beauty! Verna got this shot of this magnificent plane when it was on short final approach to TOA runway 11L.

aluminum overcast

I took some short videos of the event and spliced them together in the 90-second video below.

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