September 2010

Frog Rock

During a little side trip we took today, we passed this interesting rock art alongside Arizona State Route 89 near Congress. Some artist saw this rock formation as a high-desert frog and decorated it accordingly. Click on the image to enlarge.


Arizona Home Progress Report

Verna and I drove from California to our new town today. We briefly stopped at our lot where the new house is being built. Needless to say, we were pleased at what we saw. Verna got several shots of the construction and this one, that she took from the road in front of our lot, shows how much progress has been made since our last report. Click on the image to enlarge.


Cherie Hibiscus Flower


The lighting was just right today when I took this shot of one of the Cherie Hibiscus blossoms. This flower was especially pretty and had no visible flaws or blemishes.

Found on the Internet from an old Sunset Magazine article:

A warm tropical paradise with gentle ocean breezes is what hibiscus (H. rosasinensis) brings to mind. The state flower of Hawaii, this evergreen hibiscus has long been a symbol of the beauty and lushness of the tropics. If you live in a mild-winter area of the West, you can bring a bit of paradise to your garden by planting hibiscus.

Dash Mount for the Garmin GPS

g-mount.jpgI got tired of the suction-cup GPS mount that came stock with my Garmin 205W. The GPS was exposed to the sun on the windshield and the temperatures where we’ve been this summer worried me that the unit might be getting too much heat. I went on-line and found a nifty little dash mount which I ordered from Amazon last week.

The mount attaches itself to the dash with an adhesive and its footprint is very small which allows us to put it almost anywhere there is a small vacant spot. I chose to attach it to the spot just above the On-Star panel (which we never use) in the SUV. This location is also convenient because it puts the GPS in closer proximity to the passenger if Verna (or myself) need to assist with navigation.

Another plus to the dash mount is that the power cord can be coiled up and isn’t flopping around in the drivers visual field of regard. I kept the suction cup mount in case we need to use the GPS in Verna’s Convertible or if we’re renting a truck or RV.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Trip to the Vet Place

The Mama and the Daddy took Bear and me to see the Vet today. They were worried about a bump I have on my belly. We got to the Vet place and they said I have an irritation because of a stitch in my tummy that didn’t dissolve yet. They poked it and said I will be better, but it didn’t hurt to start with. Oh well, the Mama and the Daddy were glad I will be OK. I’m going to chase around with “Tebow,” my squeaker toy now, Bye.


A Welcome Stowaway

stow-away.jpgIn late spring, I bought some Asian lilies to put in the front porch planters for some spring color. Eventually, the lilies played out and I bought some Gerbera Daisies for the summer decorative flowers in the planters. I didn’t get around to putting them in the planters since a tomato plant had started to sprout in the soil where I cut back the lilies. The plant looked healthy, so I left it on the front porch to grow into a mature plant.

I guess it’s quite common for plants from a nursery to carry seeds from tomatoes and other things. This isn’t the first time for this to happen to us.

This is the plant today – sporting a healthy crop of tomatoes. When the tomatoes started to appear, I got a trellis from the back yard to support the weight of the tomatoes while they get ripe. Now, I’m looking forward to having garden-fresh tomatoes grown on the front porch. Click on the image to enlarge