March 2011

Mourning Doves On The Birdbath

I brought one of the birdbaths from California on the last trip. I set it up a couple of days ago in the wash where I feed the birds. It took a couple of days but some of the birds have found it. Today, I took this picture of a Mourning Dove couple as they sat on the edge before taking drinks. Click on the image to enlarge.


Progress Report – Furniture Delivery

One furniture store delivered our Bedroom set on Monday. Today, the other furniture store delivered our dining set and the great room set. Milestone 4 is now mostly complete with the large item deliveries.

In the composite image you can see (top left) the bed, nightstands and lamps, (top right) the great room set, (bottom left) detail pattern on the love seat and (bottom right) the dining set. Click on the image to enlarge.


Moving Boulders

boulder.jpgBob and I teamed up to move dozens rocks and a couple of huge boulders yesterday and today to the rock garden. We wanted to place deadwood and rocks to enhance the cactus and rock garden which is adjacent to the RV road leading behind the patio.

Image: deadwood, painted rock and boulder. Click on the image to enlarge.

The boulder seen in the center of the image must have weighed close to 200 pounds. We couldn’t lift it into the wheelbarrow, so we had to roll it to the location shown by the wash. It was slow going, but we got it there. The rock behind the boulder and to the right came from the hillside at the edge of the property and looked interesting since the orange moss almost looked like someone had painted a daisy on it.

We are slowly putting the final touches to our rock and cactus garden after the wonderful job the landscaping crew did to deliver and place the ground coverings. More to come later, of course.


Late this afternoon, we were sitting on the patio enjoying the nice desert evening. Cabela was sitting on one of our folding chairs looking at the quail, mourning doves and other birds in the “west forty” pecking at the ground. Click on this image to enlarge.


We haz Rabbits and Squirrels

We have a lot of cottontail bunnies and desert ground squirrels in abundance it would seem. These two critters were munching on some of the “critter crunch” I tossed into the wash this morning. Click on the image to enlarge.


Spring Gold


One of the succulents we transported from California is this epiphyllum or “Cactus Orchid.” Today, one of the flower pods opened to reveal this brilliant canary yellow flower. This variety is called Frülingsgold, which translates to “Spring Gold” in English. Click on the image to enlarge.