March 2011

Arizona House Composite Images


I composed an image file with several views around the new house to send to family and friends. The top panel is a panoramic image of the property as of last week. Below are individual panels of 1) the driveway entrance, 2) Verna’s custom-made courtyard gate, 3) Verna’s mailbox project and 4) the RV pull-through and patio seen from the hill in the back yard. Click on the image to enlarge.

Transporting the Sebring


Image: (top) ready to depart California (bottom) arrival in Arizona – click to enlarge

We brought Verna’s Sebring Convertible to her new Arizona home today. The trip took six hours since the tow dolly had a maximum towing speed of less than the speed limits. The trip went smoothly and we were at the Arizona house by about 5 PM. We’re too road weary to unpack and unhook today, so we will do it tomorrow.

Santa Monica Bay Panorama

Yesterday, Verna and I drove to Santa Monica for a dental appointment. We had a little time to kill since we arrived in the area early, so we took a walk in Palisade Park which overlooks the North Santa Monica Bay. I took several images and composed this panoramic view of the seashore and blue pacific ocean. Click on the thumbnail image to view the full-sized panorama.



Poppies grow in the springtime in our California garden. I thought that we wouldn’t have them in Arizona, but I was wrong. We see them in gardens there too. I’m going to read up on growing poppies in the desert and plant them there too. Click on the image to enlarge.


Wagon Wheel Gatepost in 3D

wheel3d.pngMike, the artist who designed and built our courtyard gate, has an eclectic assortment of buildings, rustic artifacts, antiques and art all around the property where the “Sawmill” business and Mike’s residence are located.

This wagon wheel gatepost is one of the things you see when you visit Mike’s place. I took a pair of images to later merge into this 3D image. Click on the image to enlarge.

Of course, if you don’t have your free pair of 3D glasses, you can view the 2D version here.

A Wickenburg Tiki


I don’t get this tiki figure that is in the front of a West Wickenburg house. We headed to California today and Verna took this picture of the weird tiki as we passed. Interestingly, there is a roadside tiki vendor near the east town limits. I wonder if this tiki came form that guy. It seems sort of nonsensical that a tropical talisman like a tiki would find a home in a desert town, but whatever. Click on the image to enlarge.