Chore Day

q-palm.jpgWhen we returned to our California house yesterday, I was greeted with several drooping fronds on the two queen palm trees out front. I never know what to expect when we get here, but there’s always several things to do.

So, after Verna’s annual eye exam today, I got the eighteen foot tree tool out of the garage and commenced sawing off the drooping fronds. I think there were about six fronds between the two trees that needed removal. The job took me over two hours including clean up.

The second chore I did was to go through all the junk mail our neighbor collected and shred anything with personally identifiable information and recycle the rest. We always request the USPS to hold all mail for this address, but given they are a government entity, you probably know how well that worked out. ?@&*%$! USPS.
