March 2014

Transplant Candidate Hedgehog Cactus

Hedgehog Cactus

When I learned that it is legal to move protected native vegetation on our own property without permission from the Arizona Department of Agriculture, I selected this nice little hedgehog cactus up near the north property line as a candidate to move to the lower lot. It has only four lobes and will probably be light enough for me to dig up and carry to its new location. Succulents can be quite heavy since they consist of hydrated flesh and can contain several quarts of water in each lobe.

As soon as this guy stops flowering in June, I will carefully dig around it to be able to lift it out of the ground and into the wheelbarrow for transportation to the lower lot. I took this photo this morning. Click on the image to enlarge.



As we were heading out to do our weekly grocery shopping, a roadrunner darted across the road, ran behind some oleanders and surfaced next to the neighbor’s fence. I got this shot of it just before it took off down the road (meep meep). Click on the image to enlarge.

The Dog Park

Verna and I took the dogs to the Wickenburg Dog Park today. It was sort of a blustery, but not cold, spring day but the dogs did not notice nor care. They enjoyed running free, chasing around the park and were generally enjoying themselves.

When they had their fill of all this freedom and exercise, they came to the exit gate ready to get back on their leashes and head home. Click on the image above to alternate between two scenes Verna captured at the park.

Lots of Hedgehog Cactus Flowers in Bloom

Hedgehog Cactus Flowers

After the beavertail cacti blooms, come the hedgehog cacti. There are several native hedgehogs on the lot and on adjacent properties that all seem to have these beautiful pink flowers.

I took this photo of a trio of flowers on the hedgehog in the front of the property yesterday. Very pretty! Click on the image to enlarge.

Bird Nest in Progress

Nest in Progress

We were out looking at the cactus and wildflowers this morning. I noticed some white threads or something in a cholla cactus next to the RV drive. A closer inspection revealed that some birds may have been trying to build a nest in the cholla. Cactus wrens, curve billed thrashers and other desert birds have been known to build nests in cacti. The white threads are dental floss that we have been tossing into the wash behind the house for just this purpose; so that birds will have some fiber for their nests. Click on the image to enlarge.

Yellow Gerbera Daisy

Yellow Gerbera Daisy

Our flower vendor at the supermarket was out of the little daffodils I had intended on buying. In fact, most of their flowers were below my standards, but the Gerbera daisies were presentable so I bought several stems.

I photographed this yellow Gerbera close-up this afternoon. Click on the image to enlarge.