March 2014

Bob and the Dogs

Bob and the Dogs

Verna took this picture of me posing with the dogs on our driveway this afternoon. We were just coming back from a walk down the road. Left to right: Cabela, a five year old female blue and tan Miniature Pinscher (cropped and bobbed) and Beethoven (Bay Bay) a four year old male red Miniature Pinscher with original ears and tail.

The dogs keep us entertained and busy – Verna and I love ’em both. And yes, it IS tank-top weather in Wickenburg today. Click on the image to enlarge.

First of Many Beavertail Cactus Flowers


I took this photo from the courtyard of one of our beavertail cacti. This one is along the side of the RV drive west of the house. At the time I took the picture, there was only one flower open. If you look, however, at the many buds on the many paddles, there will be a time soon when the flowers will be overwhelmingly the predominant feature on the cactus. Click on the image to enlarge.

Freesias Opening


Some of the bulbs I keep in the courtyard planter are starting to have flowers. Today. this freesia opened up. I expect to have paperwhites and daffodils soon. I will also have amaryllis and hyacinth flowers to post soon. Click on the image to enlarge.

3D Martian Landscape

Martian 3D Panorama

I found this 3D image on the Astronomy Picture Of The Day today. You will need your free pair of 3D glasses to view properly. Sorry, no 2D image available. Click on the image to enlarge.

The panoramic stereo view is composed of images from the roving Curiosity’s Navcam taken at a rest stop during a 100 meter drive on Sol 548 (February 19). The 5.5 kilometer high peak of Mount Sharp, also known as Aeolis Mons, is on the horizon, its base a destination for Curiosity. In the foreground are rows of striated rocks along the Junda outcrop. Centered toward the south-southeast the scene spans 160 degrees.

At The Dog Park

Bay Bay in the tub

We took the dogs to the dog park today and they really liked it. We need to go more often now that the weather is getting nicer and winter is mostly gone.

When we got to the park, the little tub they keep there was empty, so I filled it up knowing full well that Beethoven would jump into the water. He actually did a couple of times.

We got out his little tub at home and will fill it for him this weekend since he likes to get in there on some of the warmer days coming up. Click on the image to enlarge.