Heirloom Tomato Almost Ripe

Heirloom Tomato

Last year, I collected tomato seeds from an Heirloom tomato that we bought at a local supermarket. I planted them in the spring and now I am about to get my first ripe tomato.

It is widely acknowledged that Heirloom tomatoes have better flavor than the mass produced commercially grown ones. We tend to agree, although we do get some sweet Jubilee tomatoes (Arizona grown) with a nice texture and flavor.

Wikipedia has this to say about Heirloom Tomatoes:

An heirloom tomato (also called heritage tomato in the UK) is an open-pollinated (non-hybrid) heirloom cultivar of tomato. Heirloom tomatoes have become increasingly popular and more readily available in recent years. They are grown for a variety of reasons, such as historical interest, access to wider varieties, and by people who wish to save seeds from year to year, as well as for their taste, which is widely perceived to be better than modern tomatoes.

I can hardly wait to have a taste of this tomato.
