We went to the range today and finally got to shoot our new AR15. We took turns shooting five rounds at the target on our new target stand (target-stand.jpg). In the video to the right, Verna sends one of her five-round volleys downrange.
We set the target stand about 25 yards downrange to try out our new toy. The rifle is pretty accurate and we both got several rounds near the center of the target on our first tries.
We also shot about fifty rounds of 9mm with the S&W 908s pistol and fifty rounds of .45 ACP with “Fat Man,” the Glock 30 subcompact pistol. I moved the target stand closer to about 7 yards.
The target stand worked just fine. Now that we have it, we will be going to the range more. We badly needed the target practice today and it felt good to get back into shooting.