Verna snapped a picture of brand-new 45 auto shells in the box over the weekend. I cropped it down to get this nice close-up of our new fat boy cartridges.

Verna snapped a picture of brand-new 45 auto shells in the box over the weekend. I cropped it down to get this nice close-up of our new fat boy cartridges.
Every few months, we head off to the Gun Show. Today, we took the drive down to the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, CA.
As most of those who attend gun shows know, there are few guns and almost everything else. We saw jewelry, crystal and optics*, polished rocks, luggage, apparel, bumper stickers, safes and just about anything related to firearms. There is also plenty of stuff having nothing to do with guns or shooting, including a couple of “Ron Paul for President” booths.
* The Swarovski Group manufactures optics for guns as well as fine crystal and jewelry. One enterprising couple has a booth where Pop is selling Scopes in one half and Mom has a nice selection of crystal in the other half.
At one point, an especially pushy saleswoman was hawking stuffed pillows that transformed into “bed pets.” “Lady,” I said, “do you think I came to a gun show to buy a freakin’ pillow?”
In spite of all of the non-gun stuff, we bought a couple of magazines for the new Warthog and Glock 30 pistols, a “Glock” T-shirt, a “Route 66” tote bag, some silhouette targets and a thousand rounds of .45 ACP.
Bad news with a couple of computers this week. The laptop lost it’s hard drive and the old workstation on my desk had a power supply failure. When it rains it pours. We’re trying to recover from the double crash, but it might take some time.
Meanwhile, check out this short video about Verna’s newest favorite hobby.
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No, it’s not about the popular milblog Blackfive. It’s our five black guns lined up for a group photo. Top to bottom, left to right, (ignoring the magazines) they are: Remington 870 Express Synthetic 12 gauge 6+1 shotgun, Glock 30 .45ACP 10+1 pistol, Smith & Wesson 442 .38 special 5-shot revolver, Smith & Wesson 908 9mm 8+1 pistol and Glock 26 9mm 10+1 pistol.
In the image to the left, a 9×19 round is poised atop the magazine with the bullet resting on the barrel ramp ready to be loaded into the chamber, or “pipe.” When the action is released forward, the round is ready to fire.
Verna took this picture while we were in the patio cleaning the guns up after a trip to the range. You can click on it for big.