
Overdue Target Practice


We had sort of a busy day today. We took the dogs to the groomer for baths and a haircut for the big girl. That gave us a little time on our hands to get some things done. We went Christmas shopping (yes, in July), took Verna’s S&W 442 pistol to the Gun Trader for some cleanup, did some other shopping for provisions and then went to the range for some badly needed practice.

Image – Yours truly firing my Glock 30 .45 and Verna firing her S&W 908S 9mm pistol – click to enlarge.

The shooting went well after some problems getting the target set up. The club renovated the pistol bays and the old target stand rails were gone, so we had to improvise on a target stand. The weather gave us a little break since it only got up to around 102° today.


The FLASH™ tool I use came out with a new component; it’s a 3D photo cube. Move the mouse cursor over or near the cube to start it spinning. The position of the mouse cursor influences the speed and direction of spin.

I collected a few of the gun pictures previously seen on the other blog and loaded them into the parameters list for the cube object. It was surprisingly easy to use and I had the animation going in just a few minutes.

Target Practice

gunz.jpgVerna and I went to the range today for our weekly target practice session.

The firearms shown in the image at the right (click to enlarge), are the ones we practiced with today. Top to bottom, Verna’s unnamed S&W 908S 9mm pistol, “Fat Man,” my Glock 30 .45ACP pistol and “Jerry Lee,” my S&W 686 .357 magnum revolver. The guns are shown on the cleaning station that we break out after each practice session.

We shot a total of 50 rounds of 9mm, 50 rounds of .45 ACP and 50 rounds of .357 magnum. All shots stayed on target (as far as we could tell) with many of them close to or on the bullseye. We don’t keep score, so both of us generally use just one target per session.

Range Report

weak-side.jpgWe missed our trip to the range last week. We both just decided not to go – maybe it had something to do with it being Friday the 13th? Naaaah.

Anyhow, we made it out there today and fired Verna’s S&W 686 .357 revolver, my S&W 908 9mm pistol and my Glock 26 9mm sub-compact pistol. We fired 100 rounds of 9mm and 50 rounds of .38 special.

We set up a single silhouette target and paced off 7 yards to establish our firing line. By the time all rounds had been fired, most were within the center 30 percent of the target with a few outliers around the edges. I’m pretty sure all rounds actually hit the target somewhere. Keep in mind that we let ourselves get rusty while we were building and furnishing our new home. We’ll get better, I’m sure.

In the image above, Verna is practicing shooting from her weak side. She likes the little S&W pistols just because they don’t kick a lot and she can practice single-handed shooting with them. Click on the image to enlarge.

Report – Weekly Target Practice

We went to the range today for our weekly target practice. We took three handguns with us: “Jerry Lee,” my .357 magnum revolver, “Little Boy,” my Glock 26 9mm pistol and Verna’s unnamed S&W 908S 9mm pistol. We shot 50 rounds of .38 special and 100 rounds of Luger 9mm parabellum ammo for a total of 150 rounds shot downrange.

Video – Verna shooting “Jerry Lee.”

Now that we’re getting back to shooting on a regular basis, we can see ourselves improving after the long period of not shooting while we were building and getting moved in to our new house. The Better Half put a nice group of rounds on the small target at the top of the stand and I got three or four rounds out of 10 within two inches of the center of the big target. The other rounds were all in the black. We were shooting at a distance of about seven yards.

Range Views

One of the more positive things about our new (to us) shooting facility is that it is in a very scenic location in the high desert hills outside of town. We went to the range last Friday and I took some pictures of the range and some of the scenery in and around the area. Bob created the slideshow seen below. Click on the image below to start the show.

This is where I go to shoot – what does your range look like?