December 2007

Santa Monica Bay

Verna wanted to go to Palos Verdes on her Birthday for some photo ops. While she did that, I took a series of pictures of the Santa Monica Bay from Palos Verdes Point. This is the result after stitching them together on the computer. Verna is in the red shirt on the left. Click on the image for a bigger view.

Santa Monica Bay

Merry Christmas!

Moon and Mars

In a rare astronomical encounter, the full moon rose less than 2° away from planet Mars tonight. I took this photo showing the event – I had to overexpose the moon so that Mars would show up. Verna and I looked at this through the binoculars and it was spectacular.

Moon and Mars

Flyin’ Brass

When I take pictures of Verna at the shooting range, once in a while I get hit by a spent shell. This one missed me, but the camera captured it in mid-flight.

flyin brass

Drake’s First Christmas

DrakeLast night, I finished wrapping up Christmas presents for our extended family. I always see to it that each of the kids get something from us.

This afternoon, we ventured out into holiday traffic to drop the gifts off with my sister. When we got there, the newest family member, Drake, was in a visiting mood.

Drake’s six months old now, and this will be his first Christmas. His brother, Jayden, was also there happily getting a blue tongue from a blueberry candy cane I brought.

Pink Flamingo Christmas Tree

Finishing up a little pre-Christmas shopping, we were in the old downtown district for some last-minute shopping. At one point, we went into an antique shop where this interesting Christmas tree was on display. Pink tree with pink flamingo light string and pink flamingo ornaments.

pink flamingo