August 2012

Saguaro and Sky

Saguaro and Sky

One of the pleasures of Arizona living is the beautiful weather and native desert flora and fauna. I snapped this picture this afternoon of the new saguaro with clouds overhead. Click on the image to enlarge.

Bay Bay’s Bathtub


The Mama and the Daddy got me a tub to use on the back porch. I like to get in the tub that they have at the dog park, so the hoomins got me this one. I got in it today to cool off since it was 108° in the shade. Click on me to make me bigger.

How Saguaro Happens – Part Last (We Hope)

How Saguaro Happens

Finally, we have a replacement for the saguaro cactus that fell over about a year ago. The landscaping crew arrived this morning to transplant a large saguaro from Aguila (about 25 miles west of here) to the place where the old cactus stood before it succumbed to root rot. The new one has a lot of arms and we’re looking forward to seeing lots of saguaro flowers next spring on the new cactus. Click on the image to enlarge.

Moved the RV Today

RV in new spot

Despite the 110° temperature today, I hitched up the trailer and moved it back in the RV drive. (Actually, I pulled it down to the road and back up to its present position.) We wanted to restore our view of the little wash and bird feeders above the drive again.

As a bonus, I also managed to jockey the trailer into a spot where it is now possible to drive a normal-sized vehicle past the trailer and down the drive on the west side. Click on the image to enlarge.