
The New Puppy and the Picnic Place

The Mama and the Daddy got a new puppy for us. Today we all went to the picnic place and the Daddy cooked chicken. After the hoomins were done eating, the Mama fed chicken pieces to both of us. We like the picnic place. Click on us to make us big.


Winter Bear, Summer Bear

winter and summer

The Mama and the Daddy took me to get a trim last week. When the Daddy was looking through old pictures of me, he found one where I still had my long fur in the snow.

The Daddy says that both pictures were taken in Arizona less than two hundred miles apart. One in Flagstaff snow and the other on my new yard last week. Click me to make me big.

My New Yard

The Mama and the Daddy took me to my new yard today. My new house is not there yet but I saw some lizards and a kangaroo rat to chase. Maybe I’ll catch one sometime.


The Big Day Tomorrow

in-the-park.jpgTomorrow is when the Daddy takes me to the vet lady to have my stitches out. I have been good and don’t need to wear the plastic bonnet to keep me from licking and biting my tummy. After I get the stitches out, I will get a bath and fur trim. I’m getting a trim again because the hoomins are going to take me to the new house place where it’s hot. My long fur is OK when we go to the snow but not so much when it’s hot.

This is a picture of me that the Mama took when we were in the picnic place near the new house place. Click me to make me big. OK – nap time – ‘bye!

Bear Report

It has been over a week since I had surgery on my tummy. The vet lady called to tell us there wasn’t any cancer and that I am going to be OK. Next week, I get my stitches out and then I get a bath and trim.

The Daddy says we’re going to go on another trip in the SUV. I like to go with the hoomins to where they will build my new house. Click on my picture to make me big.


Bear’s Progress Report

progress-bear.jpgIt has been three days since I had an operation at the vet place. I am feeling OK and can do most of the things I did before.

Yesterday morning, I started to feel shaky and was very nervous. I started to itch and was scratching my tummy. The hoomins looked at me and saw some red blotches on my shin that looked like hives. They took me back to the vet lady again.

She said I was having an allergic reaction to the pain pills they gave me. She gave me another shot and I started to feel better right away. The hoomins say the blotches are gone and I don’t feel nervous anymore. It made me tired, though, so I guess I’ll take a nap.