
Respectable Woman

Our weekly trip to the range consisted of the usual faire; a couple of our .38 caliber revolvers, a 9mm pistol and our 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. This week, we borrowed a Glock 26 9mm pistol from the range for a ‘test drive’ since we’re thinking about adding one to our collection.

I shot some video of Verna when she was firing her 20 gauge and, later, when we were trying out the 9mm Glock. This reminded me of a cubicle placard that Verna used to have – it said,

“I am a respectable business woman – do not [screw] with me.”

So I went with that thought and put this video together.

Breakdown for Cleaning

breakdown.jpgAfter today’s session at the firing range, we broke down the equipment in preparation for cleanup. You can see one of the 9MM pistols, one of the .357 magnum revolvers, Verna’s little .38 special revolver and the 12 and 20 gauge shotguns all stripped and ready for cleanup. Not shown is the other stuff either in the safe or in a nearby holster. Verna snapped this picture in the patio – we usually clean the firearms while seated on the patio swing.

The Wait is OVER!

model442.gifAnd I now have taken possession of my new best little friend. After the long wait and finally taking delivery, I went into the range and promptly put 50 rounds through this little beauty. Not only did I put the rounds through the gun barrel, they actually managed to go through the target at (more or less) where I was aiming. She’s got quite a kick for a little lady, but I just love shooting this lightweight, compact firearm. When I slip her into my pocket she disappears from view, and you would never know she was there – until I whip her out. No hammer to catch on my holster or pocket either. She’s ready in a flash!

happy dance

Can you say Happy Dance?

Waiting Again — S&W 442 .38 Caliber Revolver

The 10-day countdown is underway. This nice little revolver is lightweight, cute and will be my new best friend as soon as I take possession. I hate California gun laws. I passed their silly test twice before. I want my new toy. It’s paid for, I should have it.


Caliber: .38 S&W Special +P
model442.gifCapacity: 5 Rounds
Barrel Length: 1-7/8″
Front Sight: Serrated Ramp
Rear Sight: Fixed Notch
Firing System: N/A
Grip: Uncle Mike’s Boot
Trigger: .312″ Smooth Target
Hammer: Internal
External Safety: N/A
Frame: Small
Finish: Black
Overall length: 6-5/16″
Material: Aluminum Alloy / Carbon Steel
Weight Empty: 15 ounces

Memorial Day

forty-five.jpgToday, we started out our day with a great breakfast. After that, we began preparing our afternoon meal. We made cole slaw and got it into the ‘fridge to chill. Then we started the baby back pork ribs slow cooking in a special barbecue sauce the crock pot. Everything else could wait until almost meal time. With time on our hands, we decided to go to Sharpshooter and rent one of their Springfield 1911 .45 caliber pistols, just to try it out. Image: Verna firing her first .45 caliber rounds. Click for bigger view.

bbq-dinner.jpgAfter target practice, we did a couple of errands and then returned home to continue with the barbecue stuff. We took a couple of ears of corn that had been soaking in their husks and put them on the BBQ to roast. After a while of sitting on the swing it was time to get the ribs out of the crock and onto the grill. At the same time, we shucked the corn and put them back onto the grill to brown up a little with butter and pepper brushed on. If I do say so, this meal was as good or better than the well-known BBQ chains out there. Image: the results of our labors. Click for a larger view.