

slug-boboWe always have a lot of fun at the shooting range when we go. But, it’s not always without mishap. Once in a while one of our guns will jam or misfire. Once in a while we will shoot the target off of the hook. And once in a while somebody gets hit by a ricocheting slug.

Image: slug and resulting injury on my forearm.

Note to self: roll down the sleeves when you’re up in the booth.

Click on the image for a closer look.

The Gun Family

Have you ever seen those little cartoons in the rear windows of SUVs? You know, the ones of Dad, Mom, Nancy, Billy, Timmy, Spot and Kitty? When I look at those, I wonder if people realize they’re divulging private information about their family – information available to everyone that sees the display, including predators. Don’t you think that a pedophile might be interested in knowing your children’s names?

My opinion is that you should never allow household information out. Shred everything with any personal information on it before it goes into the trash and if you must have a rear-window decoration for your SUV, use something like the picture below to send a message to anyone that might have an unwarranted interest in your home and family.


Does anyone know where I can get one of these for my back window?

Mother’s Day 2007

mothers-day.jpgHow can you make Mom happy on Mother’s Day? If it’s Verna, you go to the shooting range with her. JJ did just that. He came over and went to the range with us and we shot a bunch of .38 special, 9MM and both 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. It was a good outing and we all had fun. Click the photo for full-sized version.

Sunday Afternoon

cleaning-time.jpgOur usual thing to do on Sundays is to go to the local shooting range for a little target practice. Today, we took a Smith & Wesson 908 9mm pistol, a S&W .357 magnum revolver and our Remington 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. We enjoyed the target practice, but we also enjoy sitting on our backyard swing cleaning the guns afterward. This shot is of the guns laid out on our table as we prepare for cleanup and light oiling. Click on the picture for the larger view.

Update: Bob took this video of some of the shooting. Check it out!

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Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder showed up at the National Mall last Saturday in Washington DC along with Veterans and Patriots at the “Gathering of Eagles.” They were there in a show of patriotic pride as a counter to the anti-war demonstration planned by the far-left. Rolling Thunder is also the organization that protects fallen soldiers’ families and friends when these crazy anti-war people decide to demonstrate at a funeral.

Good for the Rolling Thunder. I sure do like their Rolling Thunder Special Edition Smith & Wesson .45 caliber ACP Pistol . . .


Click on the gun for the really big image.

Rolling Thunder‘s major function is to publicize the POW-MIA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war – missing in action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars.