
Pistol Rack for the Safe

rackem.jpgThe “RACK’EM” pistol storage unit for the safe door arrived today. It only took a half-hour to install and load it up (after I charged up the half-flat 18V Battery pack for the power drill).

The manufacturer supplied the screws to secure the rack to the safe door but I replaced them with some better sheet metal screws that I had on hand. The rack itself is coated with a pliable plastic that won’t mar the weapons.

I loaded the rack with our two Smith & Wesson 686 revolvers (Jerry Lee and Bubba), the unnamed 9MM S&W 908’s, Verna’s Warthog (Miss Piggy) and my Glock 26 (Little Boy) with IWB Holster. You don’t see my Glock 30 (Fat Man) and Verna’s S&W 442 (Rosie the Riveter) because we carry those guns most all the time.

Image – rack with all sixteen hooks loaded with guns and accessories – click on the image to enlarge.

Below the pistols, I loaded the other ten hooks with our other holsters and gun carrying cases. Suddenly, there is a lot of room on the shelves of the safe for other stuff. Verna and I are both pleased with our purchase.

Gun Cleaning Day

We have been neglecting our shooting at the range activities due to finishing up the details for the new house. Today, however, we brought out (almost) the entire gun collection for a badly needed clean and lube. Our carry guns, although not fired recently, needed the lint, salt and other crud removed. We set up the cleaning table in the shade on the patio and spent an hour or so engaging in gun love. Click on the image to enlarge.


Verna’s Little Shooter

Yesterday we went to the shooting range. I made several videos of us shooting. I liked this one of Verna shooting her little Smith and Wesson 442 J-frame .38 caliber revolver because of the big muzzle flashes from such a small (but powerful) firearm.

Survivalist Blog Free Ammo Giveaway

If you’re not into free ammo for the old 9mm pistol, then you can ignore this post.

Free 9mm Ammo

M.D. Creekmore at The Survivalist Blog – a survival blog dedicated to helping others prepare for and survive disaster – with articles on bug out bag contents, survival knife choices and a wealth of other survival information is giving away a 1,000 round case of 9mm – 124 Grain FMJ (a $200 value – donated by LuckyGunner)! To enter, you just have to post about it on your blog. This is my entry. Visit The Survivalist Blog for the details.

Muzzle Flash

muzzle-blast.jpgWe haven’t been to the target range in a while, what with the effort to build a home in Arizona and all. Today, I was rummaging through some old images from about a year ago. I found a video I made of Verna firing her S&W 686 357 magnum revolver. I was impressed by the muzzle flashes in the video, so I stopped it on one frame and made this image where the flash can be seen.

I wrote about muzzle blast in an article on our other (more political) weblog in February of 2008 that goes into a lot of detail about the auditory and non-auditory characteristics. Click on the image to enlarge.