
Balls of Fire


This is Verna shooting one of the Smith and Wesson 686 357 magnum revolvers. I’m not sure which one this is, since we each have one, but I nicknamed mine “Jerry Lee” because of the “Great Balls of Fire” that surround the muzzle almost every shot.

Baby Boomer

para-poof.jpgI went into the archives and dug up some pictures we took at the range a couple of years ago. This one is a still frame from a video I was taking while Verna was firing her little .45 caliber compact Para Warthog pistol; the picture nicely shows the fiery gas plume that is generated as the pistol discharges the projectile toward the target downrange.

This gun is so small that I have trouble getting a hold on the short grip. It helps if I use the extended magazine where my pinky can get a grip. For a petite gun, it sure exhibits a full-blown plume and report. “Baby Boomer” seemed to be an appropriate designation for this little gun.

Wheel Gun

This is “Rosie the Riveter,” my rosewood-gripped S&W .38 special revolver. We were cleaning up after the weekly shoot today when I snapped this picture of her. Click image to enlarge.


Verna’s Coup d’ Grâce

We have a lot of fun when we go to the shooting range. Today, Verna was shooting at a silhouette target with her 20 gauge Remington 870. She gets such a kick out of demolishing the last hanging vestige of the target.


Last weekend’s ‘Mozambique’ drill at the firing range. The idea is to aim and shoot “two to the heart, one to the head.” The technique is used to defend ones self against an assailant who may be wearing body armor.

As you can see, I shot 10 rounds at the target – three 2 plus 1 and the final to the heart. All of these were well within tolerance. It was a good day.


Target Practice

Before the NFL playoff games started, we went to the shooting range today to do our weekly target practice. It was a lot of fun. When it came time for the shotguns, I put up a silhouette target. This video shows Verna blowing the first five holes in it with the 12 gauge Remington 870 security shotgun.

Play the video and look closely at the center of the target as five big holes get blown into it.