

This is my Para Ordinance Warthog. There are many like it, but this one is mine. We will be going to the range in the morning to do some target practice. I took this photo last week just after I cleaned her up. I love this gun. Not only is she pretty, she’s powerful – a full-on 45 caliber semi-automatic pistol with a 10 round magazine capacity. Click for big.


Home on the Range

We spent part of our day at the indoor shooting range doing some target practice. It was cool outside but on the range we were right at home warming up our firearms and sharpening up our accuracy. Here’s a photo of Verna as she draws a bead with her 20 gauge Remington 870 on a paper target at 7 yards.


We really had a lot of fun shooting today. Click the picture above to enlarge.

Another Pelican

Yesterday, Verna posted about a pelican.

Today I am posting a photo of another pelican – a Pelican™ Case filled to the brim with our guns. I took this picture Sunday before we went to the range for target practice.


At the left is my two Glocks, in the center is Verna’s S&W revolver and on the right is her S&W and Para Warthog pistols.

Yes it was fun at the range, as ususal.

Bucket of Ammo

After a trip to the firing range, we clean up the guns and then reload the magazines. The rounds are placed in a little plastic bowl to make it easier to grab a handful. I like the way the shiny brass and copper looks, so I took a picture.


Airweight Art

I got a gift today. This is the ribbon from the gift box displayed on my little S&W 442. I think it’s a pretty picture – a golden ribbon on an ebony revolver body with rosewood grips on a hardwood background.

gun art

Next week, I may post a picture of my gift (hint – think ‘ten year wedding anniversary’).

The Recreational Shotgun

When we go to the shooting range on the weekends, most of the time, we bring a couple of our shotguns. We both have Remington model 870 shotguns. Verna’s is a 20 gauge ‘youth model’ which has a shorter stock and barrel than my full-sized 12 gauge shotgun. We also share a 12 gauge ‘security model’ of the same gun that has a synthetic stock and fore-end, unlike our other guns which have finished wood stocks and fore-ends.

In this video, Verna demonstrates the proper method for discharging five rounds from her 20 gauge shotgun. As you can see, she makes short work of the target and has fun doing it.