
Cleaning Up the Guns

We went to the firing range today and shot our 9mm and .45 cal pistols. We also put about 25 rounds through each of the 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. Verna is seen here putting the barrel back on her Remington 870 20 gauge shotgun after giving it a thorough cleaning and lube.

Verna 870

Family Affair

When the weather gets a little damp, that doesn’t keep us from our weekly session cleaning guns after the trip to the firing range. Today, we set up our table under the canopy and put up the folding chairs so we could get the job done while still enjoying the patio. Even Bear gets involved with it. Notice the little ice cream cup on the table. It’s actually a ‘Frosty Paw’ – a frozen dog treat that she knows is there and is anxious to consume.

family cleaning

Flyin’ Brass

When I take pictures of Verna at the shooting range, once in a while I get hit by a spent shell. This one missed me, but the camera captured it in mid-flight.

flyin brass

Oh Look – Something Pink!

Pink 9mmThe Wandering Minstrel had these pictures of “Pinkware” up the other day. At first, I thought they might be nice to have, but then I thought it would look pretty silly to point a pink gun at an intruder. Would they laugh or think it’s a toy?

S&W 442No matter though – I’d be pointing my li’l .38 j-frame snubnosed revolver at the perp. My hands would cover up the rosewood grips, and only the business part would show.

Those are pretty, though. I wonder if they could make a pink Smith & Wesson Model 500 .50-Cal. Magnum?

Fun-Filled Weekend

verna-fun.jpgMan, did we have a nice weekend. During Friday’s rain, we got all of our grocery and computer shopping done.

Saturday, we drove to the beach and around Palos Verdes on a beautiful (if blustery) day. Verna and I took a lot of pictures – it was hard to pick one that we could post, so expect to see more of them here soon.

Today, we topped all the fun off by taking a trip to the shooting range and had a lot of fun there. Click continue reading to watch the video that shows just how much fun we were having.

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