138 Search results

For the term "Cabela".

Cabela’s Squeaky Gator Toy

Cabela’s Squeaky Gator Toy

Sometimes I play with my squeaky toys. This one is my squeaky gator toy. Sometimes the Daddy will throw them for me and I will chase them down and play keep away with the Daddy. Sometimes I get tired of playing and lay down on the sofa. The Mama covers me up with my blankie and I take a nap.

Cabela’s Fourth Birthday

Cabela’s Fourth Birthday

Today is Cabela’s fourth birthday (according to the Humane Society’s estimate). She was recovered at the Everett Bowman Rodeo grounds here in Wickenburg in August of 2010 and we adopted her shortly after that.

She is in excellent health (we took her to the vet this week for vaccine boosters) and is a very active dog. We over fed her for about eight months before putting her on a diet and now she is at a perfect weight of thirteen pounds.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Cabela at Rest


It has been a little over a year and a half since we adopted Cabela. She is an active and lovable miniature pinscher. Between her and Beethoven (the other min-pin), they make us laugh every day.

Since she is a very active dog, it is unusual to see her so much at rest on the back of the love seat. To our relief, she almost always lets us sleep all night long when it’s bedtime. Click on her picture to enlarge.

A Flying Leap – by Cabela

mid-air.jpgI just love it when the Mama and the Daddy throw my squeaky toys for me. The Mama throws my toy on the sofa and I try to catch it in mid-air. I will play hard for about five minutes and then I lay down for a nap.

The Mama threw the toy and the Daddy took this photo of me in mid-air jumping up to get the toy. Click on me and the toy to make us big.